
In order to maintain our status as a group of sustainable professionals with extensive expertise both in business and technology, we place the utmost importance on our human resources.

We believe that the most important factor in our ability to continue creating innovation for society is to maintain positive relationships with talented people over the long term.

Accordingly, our key focuses are on hiring and training people with great potential as businesspersons regardless of their gender, age, nationality or disability status, and also on providing a working environment where each person can realize their full potential.

Respect for Human Rights

Simplex Group considers it a social responsibility to conduct its business in a manner consistent with human rights—in other words, everyone’s right to enjoy life and liberty, to pursue happiness, and to live humanely. To effectively promote this philosophy in each of our businesses, we have established the Simplex Group Basic Policy on Human Rights and strive to conduct our business with the utmost respect for human rights.
Click below button for more information on the Simplex Group’s Basic Policy on Human Rights.

Simplex Group Basic Policy on Human Rights

Diversity & Inclusion

Since our inception, Simplex Group has done everything we can to support those who are interested, motivated, and passionate for self-fulfillment in the areas where the company takes on challenges, with no discrimination or categorization whatsoever. We are committed to fostering a corporate culture that enables “meaningful and rewarding work,” and where a diverse range of human resources can work together, have a distinct sense of ownership, and stretch their potential to the fullest.

  • We hire new graduates, mid-career workers, and persons with disabilities, regardless of gender, age, or nationality.
  • Our staff includes many employees of diverse nationalities.
  • To increase the diversity of our workforce, we plan to increase the proportion of female graduates to 20% of our total workforce (12.6% as of March 31, 2023).
  • We regularly check that staff turnover is not skewed by nationality or gender.
  • We conduct “engagement surveys” focused on expanding diversity efforts.

The results of the above efforts are disclosed in the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare’s “Database on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace” as well as in the Sustainability Data section.
Click here for more information on the Database on the Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Japanese site only).

Simplex Group’s general employer action plans under Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children and Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life are as follows.

Establishment date: March 1st, 2016 (Publication date: April 1st, 2016)
Establishment date: April 1st, 2021 (Publication date: June 1st, 2021)
Revision date: March 31st, 2023 (Publication date: May 10th, 2023)

The previous plans were terminated due to changes in its period and content.

Simplex Inc., our group’s main business unit, has received “Kurumin Certification” from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) as a company supporting childcare. Xspear Consulting, Inc. has received “Eruboshi Certification (2 Stars)” from MHLW as a company for having a good implementation status of their initiatives for the promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.

Education System

Simplex Group’s education system intends to maximize each individual’s potential and thereby developing a strong group of professionals.

Prospective Employee Training

In this training course, trainees learn the fundamentals of technology and finance as a common principle of the Simplex Group.

New Employee Training

In this training course, trainees learn the basic skills and behaviors of the “Technology x Business” concept. At this stage, the trainees aim to pass various exams such as the Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, and Class-2 Sales Representative Qualification Exam.

Education System After Project Assignment

In their first year in the field, employees are formed into units of three, consisting of a senior employee called the “unit leader”, who is appointed by management, and two new employees. The system is designed for new employees to quickly grow into high-value-added human resources in the “Technology x Business” field under the guidance of the senior employee.

Competency-specific Training

Simplex hosts “Simplex Tech Day & Simplex Biz Day (week),” which are organized by the Competency Lead, a cross-departmental group. Having frontline employees give presentations and share reports across departments allows volunteer participants to increase their level of expertise.

Certification Acquisition Support System

This system was established to reimburse up to 400,000 yen per year for the cost of acquiring work-related certifications, and it is being utilized to support the acquisition of AWS-related and other certifications.

Educational Leave System

We implement a system that allows employees to take a leave of absence for graduate school or study abroad without leaving the company.

For more information on the above, as well as our employee career path, education system, evaluation system, etc., please visit the “Systems and Environment” section of our recruiting site (Japanese site only).

Evaluation System

Once a year, we hold an evaluation meeting to determine the theoretical annual salary (base annual salary) for the following year for all full-time employees.

Because the evaluation is made by all the higher-ranking personnel involved in each year’s work, the style of evaluation is fair and not biased by the subjectivity of any specific supervisor.


The theoretical annual salary is determined by evaluating a person’s “ability to reproduce their performance,” which takes into account the difficulty of the project and previous experience.

Up or Stay

We do not place a limit on growth but rather assess each individual’s ability to grow and evaluate their growth fairly. However, it should be noted that we do not believe that poor performance in a single year should preclude future opportunities for growth.

Pay for Value

We have a culture of fair recognition for employees going through life stages such as childbirth or caregiving.

Social Contribution

We donate to Hitotsubashi University, which has a Master’s Program in Financial Strategy (MBA), and also donate lectures (on informatization strategies and applications, risk management, and financial education).

We also support our employees’ participation in various competitions for athletes with disabilities, and provide support to organizations and employees engaged in emerging sports.

The results for the fiscal year ended March 2024: 12 disabled athlete employees(equestrian, table tennis, judo, track & field, basketball, etc.); Partnership with the Japan Padel Association.

Employee Health & Safety

For a company to achieve sustainable growth, it is important that its employees are in a state where they can demonstrate their great potential at all times―in other words, they need to be healthy both physically and mentally. Simplex Group proactively focuses efforts on health and productivity management and is dedicated to providing an environment in which all employees can work with peace of mind and engage in work with health, vitality, and a sense of fulfillment.

In recognition of these efforts, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) has certified us as one of the 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (No application in 2024 fiscal year).

Health and Productivity Management

Labor Practices

We believe that it is a company’s responsibility to prioritize the job satisfaction and stable lives of its employees. As a company that supports self-fulfillment, we continuously work to realize a work environment in which each individual can challenge their goals with workstyles that are as flexible as possible under applicable laws and regulations.

  • Environments for office/remote/mobile work have been established
  • An interval between shifts system has been introduced
  • A flexible and efficient work system has been realized
  • Provide childcare leave as well as a nursing care support system that goes beyond the period specified in the Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members
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