Simplex Executives
Ryozo Akiyama
Noriyuki Ogasawara
Mari Takahashi
Yasuto Hamanishi
Naoto Hirota
Hideki Kaneko
1987 Hitotsubashi University - Department of Law Graduated, then joined Arthur Andersen (currently Accenture). Later worked at a foreign venture firm, then joined Salomon Brothers Securities (currently Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc.) in 1991. Established Simplex Risk Management, the predecessor to Simplex in 1997, then appointed to his current position as CEO in 2000. Upon a sole share transfer in 2016, Simplex Holdings was established as a holding company, where Kaneko was appointed to his current position as CEO.
Kozo Sukema
1996 The University of Tokyo - Department of Science Graduated, then joined Arthur Andersen (currently Accenture). Later worked as the head of the business division and corporate planning division of multiple internet-related companies, joining Simplex in 2008. Worked as the head of the corporate planning division and the general manager for major clients. Appointed as senior managing officer in 2014, senior managing director in 2016, then to co-COO in 2020. Since 2021, Sukema has held his current position of chief operating officer at Simplex Holdings.
Masataka Soda
2002 Keio University - Department of Science and Technology Graduated, then joined Accenture. Joined Simplex in 2011, then worked to launch new services for the securities and insurance industries as a manager in the financial domain. Appointed as senior managing director in 2017, then to the position of co-COO in 2020. In 2021, Soda was appointed as co-COO of Simplex Holdings and as CEO of Xspear Consulting, a dedicated consulting firm established in April 2021.
Keisuke Enosawa
2007 Waseda University - School of Political Science and Economics Graduated, then joined Simplex Technology, the predecessor to Simplex. Built his career as an engineer before being appointed as the head of the corporate planning department. Since 2021, Enosawa has held his current position as CFO at Simplex Holdings.