Sustainability Data

Metrics Targets*1 Achievements (FY3/2023) Achievements (FY3/2024)
Sustainability Council Frequency of the meetings Monthly Three meetings Ten meetings
Climate change Listed in the “Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations” section
Security Percentage of employees taking annual security understanding exams 100% 100% 100%
Frequency of the Information Risk Management Committee meetings Held on a weekly basis 57 meetings 57 meetings
Frequency of training for responses to security incidents One time One time
Frequency of internal dissemination of security education themes 12 times 12 times
ISMS certification Acquired for partial solution Acquired for partial solution
Diversity of human capital Percentage of females among the total number of employees 20% 12.6% 15.7%
Percentage of females in managerial positions 20% 6.3% 6.6%
Percentage of females among new graduates 25% 22% 15.1%
Number of directors by men and women (percentage of females) (Non-Consolidated Basis) More than the current proportion of female directors Male: 9;
Female: 1 (10%)As of June 16th, 2023
Male: 8;
Female: 1 (11%)As of June 16th, 2024
Number of directors by internal and external personnel (percentage of external personnel) (Non-Consolidated Basis) Maintain a majority or more of outside directors Internal personnel: 4
External personnel: 6 (60%)As of June 16th, 2023
Internal personnel: 4
External personnel: 5 (56%)As of June 16th, 2024
Number of enrolled personnel who are rehired after mandatory retirement age (number of rehired personnel after mandatory retirement age during this fiscal year) 4 (3) 6 (2)
Organizational culture Frequency of employment engagement survey (Reference: degree of satisfaction) Once every three months 4 times (73 points) 4 times (73 points)
Number of temporary assignment for cross-functional experience in another department 14 cases 14 cases
Frequency of cross-departmental training sessions*2 6 times (85 sessions) 4 times (55 sessions)
Hiring and separation from service Number of new recruits 200 to 300 persons 290 persons 185persons
Number of mid-career hires 100 to 150 persons 112 persons 118 persons
Turnover rate Under 9% 9% 8%
Skills and abilities Number of grants for obtaining certifications*3 102 cases 121 cases
Number of work-related certifications held*4
AWS certified qualification 376 593
Information technology engineers (Japan Advanced Information Technology Engineers Examination) 738(150) 1,091(188)
Costs for human resources and development (personnel costs for job offer recipients in parentheses) 860 million yen (435 million yen) 1,097 million yen (642 million yen)
Total aggregate hours for skills development training (The number in parenthesis indicates spending hours per person)*5 Total 176,454 hours(169 hours per person) Total 204,607 hours(152 hours per person)
Improvement of internal environments Utilization rate of paid leave*6 70% or higher 61.9% 66.6%
Gender pay gap in workers (%)*7 81.2% (Regular workers: 81.3%; Non-regular workers: 81.2%) 77.5% (Regular workers: 77.7%; Non-regular workers: 73.0%)
Number of personnel who utilize child care leave (number of persons who utilize maternity leave) Male: 10;
Female: 3 (3 persons)
Male: 14;
Female: 4 (8 persons)
Utilization rate of child care leave by gender Male: 38.5%;
Female: 100%
Male: 53.8%;
Female: 100%
Utilization rate of family care leave 2 persons 1 persons
Productivity Number of term-end employees (excluding contract employees) 1,047 persons 1,350 persons
Cost-incurring Department (consultants and engineers) 954 persons 1,231 persons
Cost Department 93 persons 119 persons
Average number of consultants and engineers*8 1,436 persons 1,678 persons
Number of employees 894 persons 1,156 persons
Number of term contractor 542 persons 522 persons
Sales per capita
Sales per capita including term contractor*9 About 24 million yen About 24 million yen
Sales per capita excluding term contractor*9 About 39 million yen About 35 million yen

We are continuing our efforts to achieve the target through various measures and initiatives, or to exceed the current level at the very least. In cases where it is difficult to provide or compute specific targets in a quantitative manner, we show them as null (“-”).

We regularly hold the Simplex Biz Day /Week and the Simplex Tech Day, which are cross-departmental training sessions. The top-tier employees make reports and presentations to share the business prospects of our clients and market trends, and introduce practices in project management and the latest technologies through these cross-departmental internal training sessions. These session programs are planned and conducted by Competency Lead, which is a cross-departmental organization.

The breakdown is AWS Certified Solutions Architect and Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination, etc.

The tallied information about business-related qualifications is described regarding AWS Certification which is a certified qualification implemented by Amazon Web Service (AWS) , and the Information Technology Engineer Examination (including the Registered Information Security Specialist) implemented by the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA). The number of AWS certified qualifications acquired within our Group has reached 500. In recognition to this achievement, we were certified with the AWS 500 APN Certification Distinction in November 2023.

We have aggregated the total training hours for individuals who participated in training programs such as pre-employment training, new employee orientation, technical and job-specific training for employees after a certain length of service, as well as paid online learning platforms available to all employees. This total training time is represented in parentheses as the training hours per person, calculated by dividing it by the year-end headcount.

Annual paid leave is granted based on January 1 each year. The information above is a record of the achievement for the calendar year 2022 or 2023.

This figure has been calculated pursuant to the provisions of the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No. 64 of 2015).

The number of consultants and engineers includes the counts of external contractors who are engaged in the operations of our Group as dispatched workers, as well as those who are subcontracted or employed by our business partners and working within our office environment.

Numbers are computed by dividing “Sales revenues” by “average number of consultants and engineers” or “average number of consultants and engineers minus Term contractors,” respectively.

Publication of the percentage of mid-career hires of permanent employees in accordance with the Act on Comprehensively Advancing Labor Measures

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Percentage of mid-career hires of permanent employees 43% 35% 29%

Publication Date: June 24th, 2024

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