About Simplex
- When was Simplex Holdings listed?
Simplex Holdings was listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in September 2021.
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. reorganized into a new market category on April 4, 2022.
Simplex Holdings was transited to a new market category Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- Describe your management philosophy.
- Please refer to Management Philosophy.
- What companies are in the Simplex Group?
- Please refer to Group Company.
Performance & financial information
- When does your fiscal year end?
- March 31.
- When do you announce financial results?
- Please refer to IR Calendar.
- On what stock exchange are you listed?
- Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
- What is your Securities Code?
- 4373
- What is your share trading unit?
- The Company’s share trading unit is 100 shares.
- How do we make an inquiry regarding IR?
- Please use Inquiry form.
- I want to know your future IR schedule.
- Please refer to IR Calendar.
- What CSR activities is Simplex engaged in?
- Please refer to Sustainability.