About Simplex

When was Simplex Holdings listed?
Simplex Holdings was listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in September 2021.

Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. reorganized into a new market category on April 4, 2022.

Simplex Holdings was transited to a new market category Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Describe your management philosophy.
Please refer to Management Philosophy.
What companies are in the Simplex Group?
Please refer to Group Company.

Performance & financial information

When does your fiscal year end?
March 31.
When do you announce financial results?
Please refer to IR Calendar.


On what stock exchange are you listed?
Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
What is your Securities Code?
What is your share trading unit?
The Company’s share trading unit is 100 shares.


How do we make an inquiry regarding IR?
Please use Inquiry form.
I want to know your future IR schedule.
Please refer to IR Calendar.


What CSR activities is Simplex engaged in?
Please refer to Sustainability.
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