1.Positioning of this Policy
The Simplex Group (the “Group”) conducts its business based on its management philosophy of “Innovations from Japan to the world,” positioning its 5DNA code of conduct and Simplex Philosophy as important values. In the spirit of “Mutual Respect,” one of the Simplex Philosophies, we believe it is essential to prevent human rights violations not only by the Group but also by its stakeholders around the world as well as to appropriately address the negative effects of such violations, and to achieve this, we have established Simplex Group Basic Policy on Human Rights.
2.Scope of Application
This Policy applies to all Simplex Group companies.
3.Expectations Toward Stakeholders
We expect all stakeholders, including the companies, institutions, and organizations with which we conduct business, to understand and respect the principles of this Policy as a condition of doing business with us.
4.Statement of Our Commitment to Respect Internationally Recognized Human Rights
To respect internationally recognized human rights, the Group is committed to upholding the fundamental rights principles expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and/or the “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” as well as the fundamental rights expressed in other relevant documents (e.g., the freedom not to be subjected to forced or child labor; freedom of association; right to collective bargaining; freedom from discrimination in employment and occupation; freedom of movement; freedom from discrimination based on race, disability, religion, social origin, sex/gender).
5.Relationship Between the Responsibility to Respect Human Rights and Compliance with Laws and Regulations
In terms of compliance, the Group conducts its business activities in accordance with the laws and regulations of Japan and the countries in which we do business. However, in cases where these laws conflict with internationally recognized human rights principles, where internationally recognized human rights are not adequately protected, or where it is believed that human rights may not be protected, we may take steps to ensure that internationally recognized human rights are protected to the maximum extent possible.
6.Priority Issues in Our Group
We analyze the types of human rights that may present a risk of significant human rights violations in our Group, as well as the severity of the perceived risk of human rights violations, and prioritize issues accordingly. The Sustainability Council reviews each of these issues on a regular basis, and each division takes appropriate preventive or mitigating action and discusses them with external stakeholders.
- The Group prohibits any involvement in forced labor or child labor.
- We respect the freedom of association, including the right of employees to form labor unions.
- We prohibit all forms of discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, occupation, or employment status.
- We implement appropriate working hours, overtime, vacations, leave, etc., in accordance with Japan’s Labor Standards Act and labor-management agreements based on the that act.
- We prohibit the placing of orders that may result in unfair labor practices.
- We prohibit the development and deployment of systems that may violate personal privacy, freedom of expression, and other rights.
7.Methods Used by Simplex to Help Ensure Human Rights
The Group promotes awareness of this policy, directors and educates its employees on it, and publicizes its efforts to respect human rights by posting them on its website. If a human rights violation occurs or is likely to occur as a result of the Group’s operations, every effort will be made to resolve the issue through dialogue with appropriate organizations and stakeholders.
The Head of the Operations Division of Simplex Holdings, Inc. is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Human Rights Policy in accordance with this Policy.
Simplex Holdings, Inc.
Representative Director, President and CEO
Hideki Kaneko