Health and Productivity Management

Investing in worker health as part of our Health and Productivity Management Declaration

Health and productivity management refers to consideringand implementing worker health management from a business operation perspective.

Under the “Health and Productivity Management Declaration” issued by the President and CEO, Simplex Group implements a variety of initiatives built on the premise of health and productivity management.

Health and Productivity Management Declaration

The Simplex Group places the utmost value on employee health and also considers health and productivity management to be an important operational matter. Our Health and Productivity Management Declaration aims to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of our employees and their families, while also maintaining the company’s productivity, by putting its principles into practice.

Hideki Kaneko, Representative Director, President and CEO

Organizational Structure

The President and CEO serves as chair of the Sustainability Council, which establishes a Health and Productivity Management Committee and appoints a chairperson to serve as its advisory body.

The chairperson of the Health and Productivity Management Committee, who also oversees the Health Committee, seeks the involvement of occupational health physicians and employee representatives and maintains a consistent operating structure in order to plan, formulate, and implement measures that contribute to the maintenance and improvement of workers’ and their families’ physical and mental health, and thus to the improvement of productivity.

Organizational Structure

Disclosure of Integrated Information Internally and Externally, and Establishment of a General Counseling Service

Integrated information on health and productivity management is posted on the corporate website to promote widespread awareness both internally and externally.An independent General Counseling Service has also been established under the chairperson of the Health and Productivity Management Committee in an aim to ensure effective counseling for those requiring it.


For a company to achieve sustainable growth, it is important that its employees be in a state where they can demonstrate their full potential at all times; in other words, they must be physically and mentally healthy.

Simplex Group actively promotes health and productivity management and strives to provide an environment in which all employees can work with peace of mind and engage in work with health, vitality, and a sense of fulfillment.

Health and Safety

We believe that supporting employees’ optimal mental and physical health is a foundation that allows them to demonstrate their full potential at all times. We actively work to provide an environment where employees can work with peace of mind by providing not only social insurance but also income protection insurance, life insurance, and other safety nets to protect them against unexpected events.

  • Regular physical examination: Last year, we had a 100% check-up rate and helped to cover retesting costs
  • Stress checks (twice a year): Provision of mental health care
  • Occupational health physicians (psychiatry/internal medicine) and certified public psychologists have been assigned
  • Health Committee meetings are held monthly with occupational health physicians
  • Special paid leave program is available for hospitalization/recuperation, etc.
  • Enrollment in income protection insurance and life insurance
  • Each business location is equipped with relaxation rooms (massages) and cafeterias
  • Health supervisors make patrols, AEDs are installed, and disaster drills are held at each business location
  • Engagement surveys, which focus on mental and physical health management and harassment issues, are administered

Childcare and Nursing Care

We have implemented a number of programs and systems to allow employees to continue working productively during life events such as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care. Our programs are extensive and go beyond legislated obligations with an extended age range for covering child nursing care leave and shortened work hours for childcare.

  • Special Paid Leave Program for pregnant employee
  • Maternity leave: 6 weeks prenatal [14 weeks for twins or multiples], 8 weeks postpartum
  • Childcare leave: Can be extended until the child is one year and six months old (maximum 2 years and 4 months)
  • Reduced or staggered work hours for childcare: Until children reach the 2nd grade of elementary school
  • Request to be exempt from night shifts: Until children reach the 6th grade of elementary school
  • Child nursing care leave: 5 days per year [10 days for 2 or more children] Special paid leave system, teleworking exceptions are available
  • Special leave for the childbirth of a spouse
  • Nursing care leave: 5 days per year [10 days for 2 or more people] Special paid leave system, teleworking exceptions are available
  • Staggered work hours for nursing care: 3 years
  • Nursing care leave: 93 days
  • Distribution of babysitter discount coupons

Creating a Fulfilling Environment Where Employees Can Feel Job Satisfaction

We believe that valuing fulfilling work and a stable life is a responsibility that companies have to their employees. As a company that supports self-actualization, we continuously work to realize a work environment in which individuals can challenge their goals with as much flexibility as possible under existing laws and regulations.

  • We provide work environments for office/remote/mobile work
  • Flexible and efficient work systems: Systems for flexible working hours and discretionary work
  • Work interval system: No return to work until 12 hours after leaving
  • Improved info provision to encourage more active internal communication (monthly company-wide meeting held)
  • Established the “Hello World, Hello Innovation” management philosophy and “5DNA” code of conduct
  • Advocate the “Simple Philosophy” of shared values
  • Every three months, we conduct an Engagement Survey that focuses on job satisfaction

Establishment of a General Counseling Service

An independent General Counseling Service has been established under the chairperson of the Health and Productivity Management Committee. Its aim is to ensure effective counseling for those requiring it while gathering the opinions of employees.

  • Specific guidance on where and how to get counseling
  • Gathering opinions from current and prospective system users
  • Flexible programs/systems and rule guidelines to ensure adherence
  • Adoption of ways to connect work methods and systems to job satisfaction
  • A contact point has been established by a Health and Productivity Management chairperson independent of the organization (belongs to the Internal Audit Office)
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